Welcome to my... "Site"

Shout out to Aeslands for inspiring me to do this, heres his site :)

This site could be used i guess as a cool little page that shows my soicals and stuff.
Some of the main social medias that i use are here, with usernames.

Discord ~ BroHavoc#6066
Instagram ~ bro.havoc_
Twitter ~ Brohavoc1
Youtube ~ BroHavoc_.-

You like music? Of course you do! Check out my spotify and listen to some of my playlists!

A Little Backstory

You may be wondering why i have my username as "brohavoc" for most of my socials.
its because of my old playstation 3 gamertag that my older brother made for me, and the username stuck with me ever since.
i really like it so i decided to stick with it to Playstation 4, and all my social media.